

Our centre philosophy has been developed in conjunction with both educators and our families and reflects our beliefs about what we believe and aim for.

Smartland Boutique Early Learning strives to provide care and education of the highest standard in a secure and trusting home like environment.

We believe every child is a unique individual who brings to our school of early learning his or her own special qualities. The effective educators must provide a warm, welcoming, supportive and caring environment in which all children can grow socially, cognitively, emotionally, physically and morally.

In doing this we help the child develop a positive self-concept and attitude towards learning and play. We believe all children should be given assistance to understand, appreciate, and respect various social and cultural diversities within their community, thus ensuring all children receive equal opportunities regardless of socio-economic background, ethnicity, sex, race or physical ability.

We as caregivers and educators must be able to extend on the child’s home experiences. Therefore, a close liaison with parents is essential to ensure a high degree of parent participation and involvement and in so doing, form the essential partnership that must exist between home and child care.

Together we take the time to build the individual foundations of education and care of all children’s future.

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